In our description database there are 2 solutions for performing hard reset for Alcatel Pop C5.

Choose the first method and follow the steps to perform a hard reset. If the first solution does not work, try the next method.

Please remember! Hard reset will delete any and all data your device contains; like pictures, contacts, messages, apps etc. Everything. Alcatel Pop C5 device will be brought back to the same configuration as that of a brand new device.

Instruction #1

1. Lets get started. Press and hold the Power key to turn the device off.

2. Afterwards, press and hold the Power + Volume Up buttons.

3. Let go of the keys when you see Alcatel logo.

4. Choose wipe data/factory reset by pressing Volume Down and confirming Power button.

5. Use Volume Down to scroll and Power key to select "Yes - delete all user data".

6. From the new menu, select "reboot system now".


7. Jolly good, you have performed the hard reset. Pat yourself on the back and open up a bottle of beer.


Instruction #2

1. Switch on the device by pressing the Power button.

2. Now open Menu, choose Settings and then choose Backup & Reset.

3. Next, select Factory data reset.

4. Now select Reset phone and then Erase everything to begin the hard reset operation.

5. Good shows, you have just perfomed the factory reset operation.