In our description database there are 3 solutions for performing hard reset for AOSON R18.

Choose the first method and follow the steps to perform a hard reset. If the first solution does not work, try the next method.

Please remember! Hard reset will delete any and all data your device contains; like pictures, contacts, messages, apps etc. Everything. AOSON R18 device will be brought back to the same configuration as that of a brand new device.

1. Power up the tablet.

2. Select Settings. To do that, swipe in from the right edge of the screen.
3. Now tap Change PC settings and Update and recovery.

4. Continue by choosing Recovery and Remove everything and reinstall Windows.

5. Wait for the appropriate pop-up and select Get Started > Next to start the hard reset.
6. Then select either Just remove my files or Fully clean the drive.
7. Lastly, select Reset. Voila!