In our description database there are 2 solutions for performing hard reset for Asus Zenpad 3S 10 Z500M.

Choose the first method and follow the steps to perform a hard reset. If the first solution does not work, try the next method.

Please remember! Hard reset will delete any and all data your device contains; like pictures, contacts, messages, apps etc. Everything. Asus Zenpad 3S 10 Z500M device will be brought back to the same configuration as that of a brand new device.

Instruction #1

1. Power down the phone by holding the Power button for a couple of seconds.

2. Please hold down both Volume Down and Power button.

3. Soon, a new menu will appear on screen. When it does, let go of held keys.
4. Next, please use the Volume buttons to select the wipe data/factory reset. Confirm your choice by pressing Power button.

5. Now choose Yes - delete all user data.

6. Select Reboot system now to restart the device.

7. Yay, huzzah, wooo. The hard reset is complete.

Instruction #2

1. First of all, hold down the Power key in order to turn on the device.

2. Starting from the Main Menu, go to Settings.

3. Select Backup & Reset and then Factory data reset.
4. Now please Reset device.
5. Confirm by selecting Erase everything.
6. Blow the trumpet and fire the confetti cannon! Hard reset is complete!