In our description database there are 3 solutions for performing hard reset for HP Veer 4G.

Choose the first method and follow the steps to perform a hard reset. If the first solution does not work, try the next method.

Please remember! Hard reset will delete any and all data your device contains; like pictures, contacts, messages, apps etc. Everything. HP Veer 4G device will be brought back to the same configuration as that of a brand new device.

Instruction I:

1. Switch off the phone.

2. Now press'n'hold the Sym + Options + Power button.

3. Hold them down for ten seconds, until the Full Erase screen appears.

4. Instructions will now appear on-screen. Follow them until the hard reset process is complete. Grats.

Instruction II:

1. Turn on the device.
2. Press in the #*3386633# code and confirm it with a Call button.

3. A new window will appear. Follow the instructions it provides. Done!

Instruction III:

1. For starters, power up the device.
2. Select Device Info > Reset Options, and then one of these: Erase Apps & Data, Erase USB Drive, Full Erase, Secure Full Erase.

3. Confirm the operation. Done!