Recovery, in Android, refers to the bootable partition, in which the recovery console is installed.
It contains tools to help repair your installations as well as install official OS updates by using a combination of key presses or instructions from a command line sometimes.
Android is open, meaning the recovery source code is available, so that building a customized ROM is relatively easy.
1. First thing you got to do to start the process is turning off your phone
2. Then you will have to wait few seconds and press and hold power button with volume down button together.
3. When you will see LG logo on your screen you can release those buttons.
4. Now there should be a recovery mode menu on your screen.
5. This is the end if you want to know how to switch between options use volume keys and to proceed use power button
Recovery is included on a separate partition from the main Android OS on all Android devices.
You can boot directly into recovery mode and use it to factory reset the device, delete the cache partition, or apply software updates.
It can help you fix your device.