Product Codes for Nokia E65

Product Codes for Nokia E65


0515275 Euro1-France

0536850 Euro1

0542318 Euro1-France

0543459 Euro1

0543460 Euro1

0545446 Euro1

0515278 Euro2

0515279 Euro2 - Turkey

0542320 Euro2

0542321 Euro2 - Turkey

0515293 Scandinavia

0542323 Scandinavia

0515294 Baltian

0542324 Baltian

0515295 Russian

0515297 Ukraine

0515298 RussianCIS

0515301 Bulgarian

0515302 Moldova,Belarus

0542329 Russian

0542330 Ukraine

0542331 RussianCIS

0542332 Bulgarian

0542333 Moldova,Belarus

0515304 Euro3

0542334 Euro3

0515305 Balkans SLO/SER

0515306 Balkans Greece

0542345 Balkans SLO/SER

0542346 Balkans Greece & Cypros

0515309 Arabic

0515311 Arabic

0542347 Arabic

0542348 Arabic

0515312 Hebrew Israel

0542349 Hebrew Israel

0515276 Euro1-Alps

0542319 Euro1-Alps


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