Product Codes for Nokia N81

Product Codes for Nokia N81


0550127 Euro1 - Silver

0550127 Euro1 - Silver

0550146 Euro1 - Blue

0550131 Euro2 - Silver

0550187 Euro3 - Blue

0550129 France - Silver

0550151 France - Blue

0550132 Turkey - Silver

0550171 Turkey - Blue

0550175 Scandinavia - Blue

0550135 Baltian - Silver

0550177 Baltian - Blue

0550142 Russian- Silver

0550143 Ukraine - Silver

0550191 Ukraine - Blue

0550144 Belarus,Moldovia - Silver

0550192 Belarus,Moldovia - Blue

0550200 Balkans - Silver

0550188 Balkans - Blue

0550145 Balkans - Greece and Cyprus - Silver

0550194 Balkans - Greece and Cyprus - Blue

0550150 Hebrew - Israel - Silver

0550198 Hebrew - Israel - Blue


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