Secret codes for Samsung phones:
Input them using a dialer, in the same way as when inputting a phone number.
*#06# > IMEI
*2767*5282# > reset Millet's Java
*2767*63342# > reset data (ring tones, photos, music and videos etc.)
*2767*927# > reset WAP
*#9998*782# > date and time of when the alarm clock will ring
*#8999*638# > info about the network
*#9998*5646# > change the operator logo (the one that shows when you turn on the phone)
*#9998*76# > manufacturing number
*#9998*968# > list of alarm sounds
*#9998*585# > phone's permanent memory
*#3243948# > Digital Audio Interference Off
*#32436837# > Digital Audio Interference On
*#9999# > software version
*#0837# > firmware versions (instructions)
*#0001# > phone's parameters
*#9125# > enables additional options when charging
*#9998*228# > battery status (temperature, voltage, capacity)
*#9998*246# > program status
*#9998*324# > debug screens
*#9998*4357# > Help menu
*#9998*5282# > Java menu (CSD/GRPS settings for JAVA server)
*#9999#0# > Net monitor
*#9998*427# > Trace Watchdog
*#9998*544# > detection jig
*#9998*636# > information about the memory
*#9998*785# > shows RTK errors (Run Time Kernel)
*#9998*786# > date of the last time the phone was turned on and off
*#9998*837# > software version
*#9998*872# > diagnostic mode
*#9998*947# > reset
*#9998*999# > Last/Chk
*#9998*9266# > Yann debug screen
*#9998*9999# > software version
*2767*2878# > reset selected areas of EEPROM
*2767*3855# > Full EEPROM reset
*#9999# or *#9998*9999# > software version
*#8888# or *#9998*8888# > show hardware version
*#9998*377# or *#9998*0377# > error log
*#9998*746# or *#9998*0746# or *#0746# > SIM Information
*#9998*523# or *#9998*0523# or *#0523# > set LCD contrast
*#9998*842# or *#9998*0842# or *#0842# > vibrates as long as OK is pressed
*#9998*289# or *#9998*0289# or *#0289# > buzzes as long as OK is pressed
*#9998*288# or *#9998*0288# or *#0288# > battery information
*#9998*778# or *#9998*0778# or *#0778# > Table SIM service